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2201 E 46th St Suite 168 Indianapolis, IN 46205

24 Hour Emergency Service

Mimi Donahue

Position: Business and Marketing Manager 

Responsibilities associated: 

  • Business Growth Strategy
  • Social Media Management
  • Content Development
  • Dispatch and Scheduling
  • Client Engagement
  • Operations Lifecycle Management
  • Procurement, Billing, and Inventory Management

Why are you passionate about your job? I am passionate about helping others. I have always sought to serve the greater good in my work. Work adds meaning and purpose to life, and by helping others, we fulfill our needs to contribute to society and bring good karma to ourselves, too. Working for an organization that embraces and lives these values in its operations, services, and interactions with our clients is a blessing.

Describe your accomplishments in your career: In my career, I have managed businesses, been a corporate trainer, and a software integrator. I have received notoriety in achieving sales goals in retail applications and e-commerce. I have held many jobs over the years, allowing me to interact with people from all walks of life to achieve collective ends. I am proud of the varied experiences I have gained and the value that they bring to future endeavors.

Hobbies & Personal Interest: I love HGTV! I love to travel and take cruises, most recently to Roatan, Honduras, which was absolute heaven on Earth! I grew up in the country and have the requisite experience of catfishing, playing Euchre, and mushroom hunting. I enjoy cooking and can whip up a batch of cookies any time (chocolate chips and walnuts are my favorites). My biggest hobby is jumping in the car on a Saturday morning and getting lost somewhere new and incredible. I love to go, go, go explore! I am a first-generation American and the sister of an amphibious recon Marine. My favorite holiday is the Fourth of July. Fun Fact: I tried out for American Idol in 2003, reaching 11,000 to 160. I got beat by a guy in an Elvis costume. I never made it on TV. Elvis made it on TV…

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