Prime Plumbing & Drains

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2201 E 46th St Suite 168 Indianapolis, IN 46205

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Top-Notch Sewer Camera Inspection Services in Indianapolis, IN

Are recurring drain issues causing you headaches? It's time for a closer look! At Prime Plumbing & Drains in Indianapolis, IN, we provide professional sewer camera inspection services to find and fix your sewer problems. Call us at (317) 678-7101 today for a clear view of your sewer's health!

What Is a Sewer Camera Inspection?

A sewer camera inspection is a non-destructive method of inspecting your sewer line. Using a specialized camera, we can visually inspect the entire length of your sewer line without any digging or disruption to your property.

When Do You Need a Sewer Camera Inspection?

Are you experiencing frequent backups, slow drains, or odd smells? These could be signs of a sewer line problem. A sewer camera inspection can help identify the root cause of these issues, saving you time and potential repair costs.

Our Sewer Camera Inspection Process

Our team uses state-of-the-art sewer cameras to inspect your sewer lines. Based on the findings, we can identify issues like blockages, cracks, or tree root intrusion and plan the most effective repair strategy.

Sewer Spot Repair

Our sewer spot repair service provides a targeted solution for localized sewer line damage that saves you time and money.

Benefits of Sewer Camera Inspection

From pinpointing the exact location of a problem to preventing unnecessary digging, sewer camera inspections save time, money, and your yard. This service clearly understands your sewer line's condition, helping you make informed repair decisions.

Call us at (317) 678-7101 today, and let's shine a light on your sewer issues!

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